PROGRAM XXL is a combination of rafting, canyoning and modern camping in the beautiful countryside of Julian Alps. We will take you to the wild water where we will sell all our rafting experiences. We will be rafting on a six-seat raft boat with a licensed instructor. We will show you the beautiful nature of Triglav National Park and in the evening we will make some goodies on the grill. Pleasant atmosphere in lone nature is our top XXL program.
The program price includes:
The program price does not include:
RAFTING on the Soča River is suited for full beginners, but even skilled „watermen“ (program KANOE / KAJAK XXL) in our program will not be bored. We raft the most beautiful sections at the six-seat rafts. You are our engine and we instructors will guide you through the best route estimated by your capabilities. In spring, when there is plenty of water we drive from our base camp. This part is beautiful and not very difficult. Here we teach you how to behave in the wild, we train all the commands and teach you what to do when you find yourself in the wild and how to save yourself.
The next day, we will use our learned knowledge, and we will be rafting for the wild water in the lower section of the Soca River.
Gradually, as the waters go down during the season, we ride the passable sections that are at the given time, that means that in the spring when there is plenty of water we ride a different section every day. But during the summer when the water is lower we drive two times the same lower section.
THE AVAILABILITY of wild water depends on the given month, term and weather conditions. But most of it is like this:
APRIL, MAY, JUN, and SEPTEMBER we have more water, which means higher difficulty and it is suitable for good swimmers and people who like adrenaline. In these terms, there are larger waves, just the TOP rolls etc.
JUL, AUGUST in these months there is less water, the water is beautifully clear up to a few meters. In these months, we will raft most of the lower sections is and rafting during this period is also suitable for weaker swimmers and children.
KAŇONING who likes the aquapark then he gets what he came for in the stream Sušec. We start with smaller jumps, slides and finish with a 12-meter rocket. You will see that even the best architect in the world would not find it better than the mastery of nature has built it.
TRIPS on our tours we will take you to places that are either beautiful or interesting. There are countless natural beauties in the area (as it is the Triglav National Park), but history is also very interesting and in the area there is a large number of bunkers, fortresses etc.. not only from the 1st World War.
ACCOMMODATION is in our raft camp directly at the Soča river in the town of Bovec – the KOVAC camp. Modern family camp, beautiful nature, large HUSKY family tents, inflatable mattresses (beds), social tent and fireplace are the guarantee of a beautiful stay in the countryside. * for camping you need to bring the sleeping bag the best KOMFORT to – 5 degrees, pillow and some blanket and blanket underneath.
MEALS included 3x rafting breakfast, 2 evening grills, hot drinks such as coffee, tea during the whole program FREE. lunch is served in local restaurants where lunch is around 9 € / person. About 150m from our base is a restaurant and 3km is MERKATOR which is a local food store.
TRANSPORT by minibus from our CK RAFTOVANIE is from Bratislava - Main train station (* most of the departure from Bratislava is at 13:00, arrival at Bratislava 20:00, of course, if everything goes according to plan) The price is 65 € / person. If clients have their own transport, you have to rely on the fact that during the entire program you are moving with your cars and logistics is ensured by our CK.
INSURANCE our travel agency is insured through UNION and also through this insurance company we offer health insurance for risky sports such as rafting and canyoning.
The price is 4.00 € / person / day.
ACCOMMODATION in the campsite there are showers for tokens The price is 1 € / token for 4.5 minutes.
Would you like to know something special? FILL THE PROGRAM WITH ZIP LINE, KAYAKING
CONTACT US e-mail:, phone: +421 911 305 961, +421 903
We organize the program from APRIL to SEPTEMBER, from MONDAY till THURSADY and from THURSDAY to WEDNESDAY
Day 1 transport to SLOVENIA to our base CK Raftovanie from Bratislava - Main Train Station. If you are traveling by car, we meet at 19:00 in the Kovac camp, where we will be welcoming, unpacking in our Husky family homes, giving us a welcome drink and GETTING INFO of the exact program on your trip.
Day 2 BREAKFAST, RAFTING + instruction on the raft boat on how to control it and testing commands. After we will have a break at the local restaurant. Then we are waiting for you to visit the canyon VELIKE KORITA + bathing, the historical fortress of the KLEU, we look into the 60 meters deep canyon Koritnica and the canyon Učja. In the evening prepare yourself for some GRILLING and free program.
Day 3 BREAKFAST, RAFTING and lunch at the local restaurant, sightseeing of WATERWAY KOZIAK, sightseeing of the famous Napoleon bridge (height 22m), sightseeing of military bunkers from 1st St. war, stop at the Boka waterfall (height 106m), EVENING GRILL and free program.
4th DAY, KAŇONING in the gorge Sušec, Lunch in the local restaurant, PACKING THE EQUIPMENT, END OF THE PROGRAM and transfer to Slovakia, to Croatia to the sea, home ....
The ADDENDUM of the PROGRAM and the INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM is available on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays. after agreement with us in the Czech republic by phone or by e-mail. Conditions: Own Transport, when the CK minibus is fully occupied an additional program can be ordered.
If interested, contact us by e-mail for a quotation.
Klaudia Nesládeková
Skvělé, skvělé a zase jenom skvělé! Vše bylo naprosto perfektní. Velké stany, dobré jídlo, úžasní instruktoři, báječný celý tým! Děkujeme!
Fany Orel
Ahóój. Nádherná příroda, profi přístup instruktorů , kterým rozhodně nechybí smysl pro humor.Doporučuju všem kdo chtějí prožít supr dovolenou ve skvělé partě lidí.Jediná chybička kterou to má je , že to tak strašně rychle uteklo, ale nevadí, určitě jsme se neviděli naposledy. Vy kdo jste byli s námi ozvěte se , rád vám přepošlu nějaké foto. Ještě jednou všem " Ahooj" a našemu zadákovi Lukymu "Juchůůů"
Monika Padyšáková Domovcová
Naša rôznorodá skupina bola vcelku náročná, no chalani zvládajú s prehľadom všetky vekové aj povahové kategórie. :) Skutočnosť predčila všetky očakávania. Príroda je v Slovinsku úžasná sama osebe, ale v takej spoločnosti ako nám robili Mirec, Rafťo a Lukáš, sme si raftovanie na Soči neskutočne užívali. (Keby tam lietali nejaké komáre alebo muchy, mám ich na zuboch. :D ) Nádherné počasie bolo už len čerešničkou na torte. Chalani skrátka vedia, čo robia, sú v tom doma (aj to je na nich vidno ;) ). Sprostredkovali nám zážitok, na aký sa nezabúda. Oceňujem ich profesionalitu a bezprostrednosť. Ale nech tej chvály nie je priveľa, teraz trochu kritiky - bolo nám všetkým málo!!! :D :D
Kamila Petrejeová
Na začiatku strach z niečoho neznámeho.Nie som priliš dobrý plavec, mám veľký rešpekt pred vodou, ale chcela som skúsiť či sa dokažem prekonať. Vďaka Mircovi,Rasťovi a Lukášovi sa nám podarilo prežiť niečo neskutočné. Nádhera,radosť,šťastie,dokonalosť sú slová ktoré vystihujú prežité. Chalani ste SUPER!!! Na nič sa nehráte, viete čo robíte, a robíte to perfektne. Veľmi vám fandím, a držím palce vo všetkom čo vás čaká, zaslúžite si vyhrávať. Zvlašť sa chcem poďakovať Rasťovi, ktorý to s nami nemal celkom jednoduché ( bol inštruktor v našom rafte), ale zvládol nás ukážkovo. Snažil sa nás zabaviť, aj niečo naučiť. Príroda je tu nádherná, Soča najkrajšia rieka akú som videla. Je to rozprávka.Chlapci nám ukázali krásne miesta. Určite odporúčam každému. CHALANI ĎAKUJEM!
Péťa Krausová
Byl to super zážitek na který budeme ještě dlouho vzpomínat. Díky kluci!!
Lenka Jiraskova
Kdo nezkusí - neuvěří....tak tam rychle utikejte a přesvěčte se sami. Na vodu jedině s VÁMA kluci. UŽ SE TĚŠÍME NA BALKÁN. Prostě pecka.
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